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How to Use Glitter Eyeshadow

Lisa Davis

In my last videos, I talked about how to apply your own false lashes and choose the right red lipstick - both commonly requested tutorials during the holidays.

However, if you're anything like me, the holidays have you wanting to kick it up yet another notch. Glitter eyeshadow to the rescue!

Glitter can add amazing depth to any type of eye (natural, smokey, glam - you name it), but its powdery texture can be a little intimidating to some. Don't let that deter you!

In this video, I'll talk about the different kinds of glitter you can use and the right way to use each (minimize the mess).

But first, a few of the questions we're all wondering if you want to learn before watching it in action...

How can you use glitter without making a mess?

Make sure to start with eyes first - then move on to the rest of your face. That way, you can clean up any loose remnants after without ruining the rest of your makeup.

Should you apply regular eyeshadow first?

Glitter can be applied right over eyeshadow, so apply your eye makeup as you normally would, remembering that your glitter will go on the lid, from lash line to crease.

What are the different types of glitter I can use?

  • Loose glitter: the most dramatic, concentrated effect that can be trickier to use because it requires a tacky surface (such as a glitter primer) to adhere to

  • Loose pigment: similiar as glitter in that it's loose, but is actually crushed eyeshadow that's a little easier to apply

  • Liquid glitter: contains a built-in adhesive for the least amount of mess

Let's check out all three glitter options in action...

A few video takeaways for applying glitter eyeshadow:

  • Remember to look down while applying both loose or liquid glitter

  • If using a loose glitter or pigment, paint the adhesive over where you want the glitter, than pack the glitter on in small amounts (instead of wiping it across)

  • Whether using loose with an adhesive or a liquid glitter, always let your eye dry before opening it and looking back up so that the glitter can set

  • To avoid excessive creasing, avoid applying above your natural crease

  • Be sure to line eyes and apply mascara or lashes after applying glitter, as opposed to before

And a few of my favorite products for creating a glitter eye:

Urban Decay heavy metal liquid glitters

What are you waiting for? Go try out that glitter eye you've been debating!

To aging gracefully together,



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