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Mommy Makeover

Pampering deserving moms with luxury, on-the-house goods + services from woman-owned small businesses

being a mom is the most rewarding thing in the world.


but sometimes this happens...

The most physically challenging stage of mothering is when the kids are small. Add multiple children and the challenge is compounded exponentially. We're up early, barely able to shower, hair and makeup are a last priority, and workouts are rare.

Of course this stage also comes with a multitude of joys, but it’s exhausting at the same time. Life becomes absorbed with the needs of others. All the while, little by little, the person you once were starts to fade. The time, energy, and the forethought needed to take care of yourself has taken a back seat.

Looking back at pictures, we suddenly realize our hairstyle is outdated, we’ve traded in the bikini for the one-piece, and our fashion sense has gone out the window. What now? 

the total mommy makeover

ladies are here for you, mama.

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total mommy makeover

We all need that friend to help us regain ourselves. With the Total Mommy Makeover, you get about a dozen! That’s what this project has been about from the start: women-owned local businesses, partnering together, to be that friend and offer free luxury services to a deserving mommy.

The Total Mommy Makeover journey is about 3 months and includes..

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pampering includes:

  • Makeup lessons by Lisa Davis, owner of Image By Lisa Makeup Artistry and Total Mommy Makeover Founder.

  • Personal training and nutrition with Jenn Powell, personal trainer.

  • Before/After Pictures with Elizabeth Birdwell, owner of Elizabeth Birdwell Photography. 

  • Botox with Rachel Depart, Nurse Practitioner and owner of Allure Medispa.

  • Brows/Facials with Amber Adair, owner of Adair Skincare. 

  • Hair Transformation with Kandie Claiborne, Hairstylist.  

  • Styling/Outfit with Alana Hollifield, owner of Fab’rik Boutique. 

  • Teeth Whitening with Majesty Coates, owner of Tallahassee Smile Labs.

  • Tanning with Kim Barnard, owner of Myst Me Tanning.

  • Nails with Image Nail Spa & Salon.


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self-care is not selfish.

Indeed, self-care is not selfish mommy friends. When we put our oxygen masks on first, we are better able to live out our greater purpose in life, which is ultimately serving others.

Do you know a mommy deserving of this pampering package? She could be our next Mommy Makeover recipient! Email us her story at

Read life-changing stories from Total Mommy Makeover recipients

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april curry

Total Mommy Makeover 2024 Recipient

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My self-worth was pretty non-existent when I met Lisa, I have had obstacles thrown my way that really made me question myself as a person and a mother.  The challenge of Epilepsy in general is hard to live with, trying to do it as a mom, you need super powers. 


Losing my nephew to suicide in 2020, while 5 months pregnant, and this being the 3rd time in my life that I have been faced with suicide.  I was broken and digging myself out of a dark hole was one of the hardest things I have ever done but knew I had to do it.

Lisa, Hannah, Tanya and every other lady I encountered helped me realize my self-worth is so much more than I have given myself credit for. They didn’t only help me love the way I look for the first time in my life, but they helped me love myself again. The growth within myself since this mommy makeover is overwhelming in the best way!!!  I cried because I didn’t know I could be this beautiful! 

It’s hard to do for yourself when it seems like “what’s the point”. Well, the point is when you love yourself it is such a powerful feeling!!!  That’s what these amazing ladies gave me, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that. I now love for myself, and with that, they gave my kids their true momma back. 

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Total Mommy Makeover 2019 Recipient


The past four months of this journey I have been able to find myself again, as I would always put myself last in everything. I have been able to finally to see the real me, as I have been stuck in a dark hole for quit some time.

Finding the real me and being able to find true happiness within yourself is a wonderful thing that is hard to explain. Yes, of course I still have days where I miss things, but I'm able to motivate myself and look into the future that where I am headed is a wonderful feeling.

Where I was a year ago was definitely emotionally draining, as I was 20 weeks pregnant as a surrogate and going through a divorce that I was dealing with by myself. There were days where I cried and just asked God why this happened to me as my divorce was not expected and a shocker.


Today, my life turned a complete 360 as my emotions in this journey has taught me of who I am today. I could not be more thankful for what I have went through as it would have not shaped me into the person I am.


Total Mommy Makeover 2018 Recipient


 If I am honest at first in the process of the mommy makeover I was a bit embarrassed.  I knew in my heart I have not been myself in years but the facing that truth was hard but good at the same time.  Through this journey of being made anew it has introduced me to such amazingly beautiful and inspiring women who have encouraged me in many ways. That is the true beauty of this process  for me.  I have always had a passion to inspire women to be what God has created them to be with their talents and grace and yet here I was doing none of those things.  And then along came Mommy Makeover.

For some reason in college life changed direction for me.  I began a battle with an eating disorder which did havoc on my body and mind.  I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Speech Pathology which I did not love and was very unhealthy.  After marrying my sweet husband almost 23 years ago I was able to do in house treatment which saved my life.  I was able to pull out of it and try life again.  The few years of anorexia though took a toll on my body…it did not fully bounce back.  We spent years of infertility and heartbreak but finally were able to adopt 6 amazing boys!!

After all the adoptions I began to experience some depression and learned that exercise was crucial for me as I could not tolerate medication.  I have been faithful to do that but the care of my skin, body, and other factors of life got lost.  We miraculously became pregnant 10 years ago  but I had to deliver our little girl stillborn.  My body went into a wild autoimmune state which has aged me exponentially.  I have spent the last few years working hard to overcome but the stress of it all plus being a pastor's wife, a mom, and trying to navigate life I realize had taken its toll.  There have been times when I wouldn't even go into a store because of my physical appearance.  

I am grateful to the team at Mommy Makeover as they have helped me revive parts of me I had forgotten. They breathed new life and laughter in me.  To laugh again has been amazing.  I know happiness is not found in my outer appearance but in being confident in who God created me to be.  Somehow I had lost that along the way.  That is the beauty of this Makeover.  The women who grant their services for the makeover helped pull out the beauty  inside as well. Each of their uniqueness, giftedness, and beauty  brought my heart to life and inspired me.  My gratitude overflows and I hope I can continue to take what you have given me and in turn impart it to other woman as well!

Samantha morse

Total Mommy Makeover 2017 Recipient


 I am 33 years old. My husband Thomas and I have been together for 10 years. We have two children, Sarah (11) and Jackson (almost 5) and own Morse Construction and Restoration Services. We specialize in insurance restoration repairing homes after losses due to fire, flood, water damage, storm damage, and accident.  I worked in jewelry sales, leaving before Sarah started Kindergarten to become a stay at home mom and help Thomas with his business.


I was the quintessential ‘mommy-martyr’...always putting the family first at the expense of herself. And it was really starting to show. I hadn’t worn makeup since high school or late teens and was never taught how to put it on.  My mom never wore make up so I was winging it.  The occasional haircut I got was from a trim from the hair salon across from the barber shop I took my son to get his haircuts. I could go into a store and find clothes for every member of my family and never fail, walk out with nothing for myself. Emotional eating caused my weight to rise. I equated taking care of myself with being selfish.


A year ago I started showing the signs and symptoms of Palmoplantar Pustular Psoriasis, an autoimmune disorder that is hard to treat and causes hands and feet to have small blisters filled with white blood cells. It makes your hands and feet red and scaly and is painful. Being on my hands it is also hard to hide and further made my confidence plummet.

I 'd been watching Lisa’s live videos for months and loved how entertaining she was. She was so down to earth, fun to watch, and such a great teacher. When I saw her at a networking lunch I was a little starstruck. I kept saying in my head “Don’t tell her you watch her Lives, play it cool.” and I’m pretty sure the first words out of my mouth were “I watch all of your Lives, I feel like I already know you! I love your videos so much.” Not so cool Sam! Surprisingly Lisa is as warm and relatable in real life as in her videos. We chatted and the next day she posted a special on One-on-One makeup lessons. I booked one immediately.


Shortly after I found out I was the first recipient of the Mommy Makeover. I was thrilled! This journey for me was more than changing my outward appearance or enhancing my beauty. It was about showing me that self-care isn’t selfish and loving yourself is as important as loving others. It gave me a confidence I didn’t know I could have. A strong woman has been waiting inside of me all this time, and it took an amazing makeup artist, a trainer, and a team of professionals to drag her out little by little.  

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